Sunday, December 2, 2007

the army of terracotta warriors

okay, here's the story. about 2200 years ago, qin shi huang unified the lands of what is now china, and became the first emperor of china. after doing so, he began construction on his mausoleum. either because he was a little crazy or just let the whole emperor thing go to his head, he decided to construct this huge army to accompany him into the afterlife. after the army's completion and assembly they were carefully buried in wooded structures along side the emperor. it wasn't until 1974 that a group of farmers digging a well discovered the forgotten army. shortly after, archeologists began unearthing the army to find three separate pits of soldiers all in battle formation, complete with individualized faces, chrome plated weapons, bronze chariots and horses. since it's discovery, the army has been called the most significant archeological find of the 20th century. needless to say, it was impressive to see. we spent the afternoon wandering amid large tour groups snapping away on their cameras as we took in the sight of over 6000 life-size terracotta warriors standing guard over their long lost emperor. - david

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